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babu April 19, 2021 11:03 pm

Somehow the manga took a turn. The first few chapters were basically saying that despite class status everyone has potential but the ones with power purposefully stomp on others but the mc will fight his way towards freedom for him and his family. Now the mc acts like he's somehow morally superior because he's strong, because of his lineage, and because he was a slave... but literally at the same time he looks down on others and treats his friends/potential love interests like accessories towards his success. The mc can't even say sorry or thank you correctly. He'll say one thing about justice and physically do the exact opposite. He'll give a whole speech about how one group are murderers and then murder people?? Then the women who are the only moral compass of the story go "he hurts the most when her hurts others"... what? Also, what is with leadership that sympathize with the enslaved but also justify why they need slavery???? I don't get it.
