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Y’all are reaching a scary level of simp

CrazyDragy April 18, 2021 6:50 am

There! I said it.
...I don’t think ‘simp’ even describes you “step on me. kill me and make me your slave, daddy” gang.
I pray to not end up one of you ( ̄∇ ̄")

    spoopy Karishma April 18, 2021 6:04 pm

    Come join us (~‾▿‾)~

    Daemon April 19, 2021 2:30 am

    The funny thing is - Jin-Woo is actually very consistently a gentleman when it comes to interacting with the ladies (even in case of that female demon Esil who *did* try to attack him several times initially) - so I imagine they'd have a pretty hard time convincing him to do some of the things mentioned here in the comments
    Realistically speaking, it's honestly far more likely he'd just stare in confusion and/or panic and then use stealth to get the hell out of said disconcerting situation as quickly as possible.
    I mean, if I'm entirely honest, there *have* been panels where I actually abruptly felt like going to my knees myself (and that's a first for me), so I maybe somewhat distantly understand where this is coming from. But I'm pretty sure all that talk about choking, stepping, and *killing* would actually send him running for the hills - and we all know how fast of a runner he is, don't we?
    So let's try and tone it down a little, ladies, and not scare him off completely, shall we? Σ(︶▽︶;)