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Oof. Reading some of the comments bashing Luke for prioritising his job over Gabriel, make...

anonienonie April 14, 2021 5:47 am

Oof. Reading some of the comments bashing Luke for prioritising his job over Gabriel, makes me realise how young (or carefree) some of you must be. In an ideal world, of course your partner comes first; but in the real world, it's not always as clear cut as that. Luke is not wrong for prioritising work, but Gabriel's feelings are also valid. That's just the hand they were dealt with this time. How they sort this out (if they can) will determine if their relationship can work for the long run.

Personally, I have been on both sides of this and it's never easy. Employment is not a joke, especially in the times we're living in. It's a fanciful dream to have the ability to not care if your actions will get you fired or not. It also takes a mental toll since you know you're depriving your partner even when you don't want to. As the partner that's being left behind, it's emotionally draining. You feel like you're not worth it since you're not the one being prioritised, and you wonder if you're perhaps being immature or not understanding enough.

    froaky April 14, 2021 5:55 am

    honestly the job market is extremely competitive and even if you get a job you might not make enough money these kids are lucky not having to consider all these things

    anonienonie April 14, 2021 9:35 am
    honestly the job market is extremely competitive and even if you get a job you might not make enough money these kids are lucky not having to consider all these things froaky

    Tell me about it! Between all the competition + covid-19, those with jobs really need to hang on for dear life, even when the pay is sometimes peanuts. It's important to know your worth, and go after your dreams, and all that hullabaloo-- but before that, you need to have actual money for bills, food, mortgage, etc.