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people that really hated this because the characters are teenagers mate I don't know how ...

Anonymous April 13, 2021 11:07 pm

people that really hated this because the characters are teenagers

mate I don't know how old you are but wooooweeehh if you know what's the minimum age of people having sex for the first time u might die from shock no really u really might

though I don't really support the notion that because its doujinshi/fictional its exempted from critic, because a lot of people do learn weird shit through reading weird shit and I think we should acknowledge that and don't use it as an excuse because we do learn shit through reading. school is the best example regarding that matter

but how are we pedo this is clearly romance between two people mate were only a bystander watching how their relationship progress. if you really want to see "pedo" go and find manga that has a lot of "loli" or "shotacon" in it believe me there's a lot out there that's worse than this but is accepted for some reason because its "cUtE" Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

p.s worse doesn't necessarily mean it has sex in it. it means that it is accepted even though in the manga/anime it deals with an adult and a kid having romantic/sexual tension and that itself is worse than teen sex because lets be honest teenagers are smarter than kids I should know cause I am one.

    KenmaShoyo April 14, 2021 8:59 am

    Fr like teenagers have sex tho, but not my experience lol

    Sora April 14, 2021 9:55 am

    Please teenagers have sex too idk how everyone acting like they don’t

    自殺 April 16, 2021 7:14 am

    this is so true especially when they say " ugh you people should stop they are just teenager " IN A YAOI DOUJISHI..HELLO??? they are supposed to have smegs within the story idiot ;-; ..... and make comments like " the plot isnt even good why read it and besides they are teenagers....well how tf did you know it was bad if you havent even read it ;-;

    Teenagers also have smegs ya know (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    renren April 16, 2021 8:09 am

    As a teenager who has had seggs I totally agree

    Rim April 16, 2021 12:43 pm

    Okay, for one, there’s a difference between teenagers experimenting independently....and ADULTS getting off on teenagers experimenting independently.
    For me doll, I just mentally *blip* over their ages and enjoy the porn. So long as the fact that their in high school doesn’t come up repeatedly in dialogue while the fun stuff is happening, I can have fun.
    So. Much. Fun.