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i guess i like this in some kind of way.

hanieme April 11, 2021 2:22 pm

but that might be just me being a sucker for happy endings.

but it irked me so much that nanao never revealed his feelings to soushi/souji. and there wasn’t even a proceeding of informations imo when he realized that soushi/souji reacted that way back then bc of what happened to his mother. there was no “i’m sorry” or “i shouldn’t have said that”. nanao lacks so many things. he’s still lovable, but boy, communication is the key to a healthy relationship.
tho soushi/souji isn’t one to communicate either, maybe that’s why they hit it off so well? idk.

what i’m also sad about is not knowing a lot about ryou’s and sano’s background. i loved that scene with sano blushing. and through another comment i got to think about the complicated feelings both have for each other in that stupid and complicated world of theirs. do they have their own manga?

well, i guess you can read it for the sex scenes.
