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Just a fact from a dying med student LMAO Pigeon chest is an actual deformity bc the bones...

Yametee~ April 11, 2021 8:19 am

Just a fact from a dying med student LMAO Pigeon chest is an actual deformity bc the bones (ribs and sternum) protrudes outward mking it apppear the chest is big. But usually it doesnt look like that of Yutaka, his can be closely related to gynecomastia tho. So Im guessing he's not actually diagnosed with pigeon chest cuz theres a chance a person with pc might atleast feel chest pains or respiratory problems and in his case he appers fine

    Ririn April 22, 2021 5:03 am

    True that's what I thought at first too, and I thought was like wtf, shouldn't he go to the doctor or smt. (≧∀≦)