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I don't get why the rating is so high on this one when it's so boring and shallow lol

Mijapl April 11, 2021 7:54 am

I don't get why the rating is so high on this one when it's so boring and shallow lol

    Flaire May 10, 2021 8:10 pm

    I mean everybody likes and dislikes different things, so no need to be rude :)

    (Yea yea I get that you were expressing how you felt during reading, it's still rude to the mangaka^^)

    Mijapl May 10, 2021 8:47 pm
    I mean everybody likes and dislikes different things, so no need to be rude :)(Yea yea I get that you were expressing how you felt during reading, it's still rude to the mangaka^^) Flaire

    It's not like the author would be looking for his manga on na illegal site chill bro

    Flaire May 10, 2021 8:56 pm
    It's not like the author would be looking for his manga on na illegal site chill bro Mijapl

    Never said that lol but it's still rude^^
    I love how people always tell other people to chill, just because they called them out haha