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a lil rant cause i'm tired too translator team

max-chan April 11, 2021 4:12 am

lmao you're reading this for free and illegally actually you have no rights to complain, stop being full of yourself, you think who gonna need them?? you guys never were and will never be the author intended audience, the one who willing to pay for content like this know what they gonna get, nobody care.they ain't searching for you guys or try to please you either, it's THEIR story they do what they want with it. hate it? leave it. It is simple.

the author and translators ain't forcing anyone to read this, so don't bother and wasting your time pls. and tbh don't say that putting TWs or warnings will change anything, just look at all the "infamous" stories on this site's comment section, everybody know damn well what the fck is going on yet you guys still come and spit!
