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cain?no hes sketchy-

Kaiah April 11, 2021 12:49 am

yall get your heads straight honestly Yahwi is trying his best to make Jooin happy maybes hes just never been in love before. Cain is so sketchy and i get a bad feeling about him and hes hiding something for Jioon.. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    YiLing LaoZu April 11, 2021 1:56 am

    all i know it that he's a loyal dog (like literally a dog) in their past life who only wants to protect jooin

    oikawa's April 11, 2021 2:56 am

    Agree agreee

    Fei April 11, 2021 5:14 am

    Not in anyone's team but
    Yahwi? No he's a rapist- Also trying his best? Girl do you not see how he has been treating Jooin like an object

    kbb April 11, 2021 5:36 am
    Not in anyone's team but Yahwi? No he's a rapist- Also trying his best? Girl do you not see how he has been treating Jooin like an object Fei

    thank u omg

    Dustyknee. April 11, 2021 5:42 am
    Not in anyone's team but Yahwi? No he's a rapist- Also trying his best? Girl do you not see how he has been treating Jooin like an object Fei


    Levi.ackerman April 11, 2021 7:54 am
    Not in anyone's team but Yahwi? No he's a rapist- Also trying his best? Girl do you not see how he has been treating Jooin like an object Fei

    Frrrr and cain never thought abaout doing something like that to join for him its true love

    Kiritoprince April 11, 2021 10:11 am
    Not in anyone's team but Yahwi? No he's a rapist- Also trying his best? Girl do you not see how he has been treating Jooin like an object Fei


    Kaiah April 11, 2021 3:18 pm
    Not in anyone's team but Yahwi? No he's a rapist- Also trying his best? Girl do you not see how he has been treating Jooin like an object Fei

    i mean yeah

    pandisosoft April 11, 2021 11:48 pm
    Not in anyone's team but Yahwi? No he's a rapist- Also trying his best? Girl do you not see how he has been treating Jooin like an object Fei

    You’re acting like he means to hurt Jooin. I agree He’s a rapist and that he shouldn’t of done that but it’s not too late for him to change, y’all think just because someone has done something bad they can’t change..?
    I feel like some of you haven’t read the story properly so don’t even add “” at the end like you know what you’re talking about.
    In the early chapters we get a thing where Yahwi talks to his grandfather or something, and they’re talking about this exact topic, which also relates to why Yahwis feelings are not stable...Either reread or recheck your “facts”
    I’m not going into detail so reread it or not, you don’t understand..

    pandisosoft April 11, 2021 11:50 pm
    Frrrr and cain never thought abaout doing something like that to join for him its true love Levi.ackerman

    Not really, it’s called a “crush”
    He’s been with Jooin for so long “in his past life” so he must’ve been attached to him...
    Also Jooin thinks of Cain as a friend so it can’t really be true love but okay..

    ᴀᴜɢᴜsᴛʀ April 12, 2021 4:17 am
    You’re acting like he means to hurt Jooin. I agree He’s a rapist and that he shouldn’t of done that but it’s not too late for him to change, y’all think just because someone has done something bad the... pandisosoft

    We get it, you're a Yeehaw Stan. Also, it's funny how some of you can't handle with people expressing their complaints on this Yahwi character. Nothing is perfect, so naturally there's gonna be hate. It's obvious that you got so pressed by this person's short comment. ""

    Fei April 12, 2021 4:35 am
    You’re acting like he means to hurt Jooin. I agree He’s a rapist and that he shouldn’t of done that but it’s not too late for him to change, y’all think just because someone has done something bad the... pandisosoft

    Y'all go too easy on Yahwi, the man hasn't apologized properly to Jooin and you're all making essays here. At least say something along the lines of "I hope he apologizes and treats him better" or recognize that he's been a real dipshit to Jooin for MOST of the time.

    Oh glad I made a rapist stan mad! You can stay pressed and go argue with the wall. Byeeee!

    Kiritoprince April 12, 2021 4:43 am
    Y'all go too easy on Yahwi, the man hasn't apologized properly to Jooin and you're all making essays here. At least say something along the lines of "I hope he apologizes and treats him better" or recognize tha... Fei

    Like forgive a rapest.hell now . I use to stand yahwi but now hell no

    피렌체 April 12, 2021 5:30 am
    You’re acting like he means to hurt Jooin. I agree He’s a rapist and that he shouldn’t of done that but it’s not too late for him to change, y’all think just because someone has done something bad the... pandisosoft

    ..You asked the other user to recheck their "facts" when its true in this chap, yahwi referred to Jooin as "something" rather than "someone" that's a red flag right there..
    it seems like you're the one who needs to do some rereading.. embarrassing.

    ᴀᴜɢᴜsᴛʀ April 12, 2021 7:21 am
    ..You asked the other user to recheck their "facts" when its true in this chap, yahwi referred to Jooin as "something" rather than "someone" that's a red flag right seems like you're the one who needs... 피렌체

    Lol they tried to come for @Fei but failed miserably. :( Pfft embarrassing indeed.

    Kiritoprince April 12, 2021 8:13 am
    Lol they tried to come for @Fei but failed miserably. :( Pfft embarrassing indeed. ᴀᴜɢᴜsᴛʀ


    pandisosoft April 12, 2021 11:33 am
    We get it, you're a Yeehaw Stan. Also, it's funny how some of you can't handle with people expressing their complaints on this Yahwi character. Nothing is perfect, so naturally there's gonna be hate. It's obvio... ᴀᴜɢᴜsᴛʀ

    I’m not a Yahwi Stan nor do I Stan anyone in this manhwa, also you cant complain about someone if you know nothing about the character or if you don’t understand the character at all...I don’t care if you hate, love, like or dislike any character, it’s just that you gotta have a valid reason for it or you at least gonna know the pros and cons of that person...So im not trying to be biased, I dislike but also like Yahwi at the same time..

    pandisosoft April 12, 2021 11:38 am
    Y'all go too easy on Yahwi, the man hasn't apologized properly to Jooin and you're all making essays here. At least say something along the lines of "I hope he apologizes and treats him better" or recognize tha... Fei

    Don’t worry I’m not a Yahwi Stan and in no way am I saying that he shouldn’t apologise and he shouldn’t realise what he’s done to Jooin...I completely agree with what you said, but my point is that you guys are being very biased on Yahwi just because he’s done 2 or 3 bad things. He’s not a perfect character and the author wants to represent him like that for a reason...
    I believe that he can be happy with Jooin if he realises his mistakes and tries to make things right for example he said to Jooin that he likes him and he will treat him well...Y’all aren’t giving him a chance to prove that just because of his past actions...Again I’m not disagreeing with you at all, and I’m not pressed or mad, I’m just trying to help you guys understand his character and the storyline since most of you are forgetting things..

    pandisosoft April 12, 2021 11:40 am
    Like forgive a rapest.hell now . I use to stand yahwi but now hell no Kiritoprince

    If a bad person changes that means they’re good. If a good person changes that means they’re bad.. I understand why you hate him and you don’t have to forgive him but if you continue to read the story you’re gonna be very upset in the newer chapters if you don’t learn to forgive people when they’ve changed...Just a heads up, ofc you can hate him if you want...

    pandisosoft April 12, 2021 11:43 am
    ..You asked the other user to recheck their "facts" when its true in this chap, yahwi referred to Jooin as "something" rather than "someone" that's a red flag right seems like you're the one who needs... 피렌체

    I reread it and I never denied that. I don’t wanna go off into a new topic, I’m not even disagreeing that what he is doing is wrong, I never said that there isn’t a problem with that. You’re the one who is misunderstanding me which is “embarrassing” because that’s not what I meant. If you want an explanation I’ll give you one but if not then just realise that I’m not trying to disagree with you...