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My theory of her coming from the dogo kingdom still stands tall ( ° ʖ °)

SilkyBunnn April 10, 2021 7:21 pm

My theory of her coming from the dogo kingdom still stands tall ( ° ʖ °)

    kyon July 17, 2021 3:08 am

    this is so late ( ̄∇ ̄") but the pink haired dude mention something along the lines of "yeah those creatures (dogs) exists in your world". so i thought that maybe dogs dont exist on the other world

    SilkyBunnn July 17, 2021 6:33 am
    this is so late ( ̄∇ ̄") but the pink haired dude mention something along the lines of "yeah those creatures (dogs) exists in your world". so i thought that maybe dogs dont exist on the other world kyon

    My device I’m using keeps dying on me so I’m going to be very quick with this because Im tired of retuning it only to die haha

    It’s true what you suggested! But to be honest, the sentence you used in your comment in kinda vague about it’s true meaning or what the character was trying to say exactly when referring to dogs. Like you suggested, they could only exist in the other world though we already know this can’t be true.
    We learn quickly that (from me memories! A lot of this could be wrong since it’s been so long from the last time I read this story haha) the ML and his brother (two cat prince’s) have a father whom is a dog (honest this is something I think I’m wrong about but I know for sure there was mention of some royalty who was a dog that passed away), if there can be one dog species in their world, there has to be currently or used to be a population that was destroyed one way or another.
    In this case, I can only assume from how the cat population is massive and dominant, that the race they oppose the most (most likely dogs) has been given a bad rep thus got to the smaller races like mice and the bad rep them becomes a stereotype for the dead species. I hope this makes sense haha