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Cassie April 10, 2021 1:50 pm

So in a large majority of the yaoi I read, the Uke get's raped by the seme. And mostly people get super angry about this and are like "why did the uke forgive him that fast" or "I don't understand how the Uke didn't hate him". But in reality we shouldn't even be getting angry about that, but angry about the fact that I've NEVER ONCE seen a Uke call the police on his rapist. Like what the actual fuck like does Yaoi somehow make it so that rape isn't a crime, but something that just hurt's someone's feelings but then you can forget about it?? LIKE CALL THE FUCKING POLICE THAT PERSON IS A LITERAL RAPIST JUST LIVING HIS NORMAL LIFE MAKE HIM GO TO JAIL WHERE HE BELONGS but there is probably not even one yaoi where the uke will call the police on his rapist so I know this rant is pretty useless but yeah. K. I'm done now.

    hikikomori April 10, 2021 1:54 pm

    Yea, like, in my mind, Im telling to myself 'Hey, this is fiction, don't get too worked up, just drop the comic' but when you think of it realistically, that shit would be traumatising.

    Kacchan April 10, 2021 1:58 pm

    I mean tbh that's true for real life as well though. Very few people actually report their rapists and especially males who feel too embarassed and ashamed about it. Plus, idk getting mad at the uke seems very victim blaming, man's traumatised.

    oofless April 10, 2021 2:04 pm

    I know what you mean! It gives me extreme anxiety whenever I read yaoi or omegaverse! And because of this I can't finish a manga whenever a rape scene comes up! And whenever I finish reading the manga I question myself, why won't he report it to the police? And then I remembered that people get backlash whenever this happens and they get criticized and get victim-blamed. But this is fiction! The author may or may not want a emotionaly unstable uke to build drama and suspense (or for smutty scenes) but the thing that I'm not fond with these tropes are that the rape scenes are drawn in a way that the uke is enjoying it, the uke might enjoy it.. But the rapist didn't get consent!
    I swear that some authors (no offense to readers or authors) fetishize and romanticize these kind of scenes.

    Sometimes I want to read a manga where the uke gets raped by a stranger he tells it to the police and his bf or the seme finds out and just torture the rapist, where can i find this kind of manga?!

    I apologize for my English!

    Enuj April 10, 2021 3:06 pm

    Rape being unreported is VERY common. As is some people continuing to stay with someone that abused them in such a way. ☹
    1. In most countries, including the US, many people don’t report a rape, and males are more likely than females to not report it. When men do report it their case is often dismissed on the the grounds “a man can’t be raped” or “a woman can’t rape a man,” etc. Chances that someone won’t report if they were raped also increase if the person wasn’t a stranger (like a family member, lover, friend, etc).
    2. Even if they did report it many countries legally say only very specific acts count as rape, or certain acts perpetrated by a certain gender is rape, or certain acts perpetrated by a certain sex upon a victim of a certain sex is rape, etc. etc.
    Unless Japan has changed their laws from the last time I checked than legally someone can’t be persecuted for rape unless they were a male that put a penis into a female’s vagina without consent.