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İ am fucking angry ... this is my personal opinion so no hate please but i am utterly con...

Kira April 8, 2021 8:35 pm

İ am fucking angry ... this is my personal opinion so no hate please but i am utterly confused the last two chapters left me completely confused and frustrated, like what even was happening, what was with ymir in the mouth of erens titan when mikasa came and kissed him, what happened there, why mikasa to begin with, how the hell was ymir in love with king fritz? Love was the reason for all that slavery and misery.. thats what your telling because it doesnt sound convincing not one bit, there wasnt one moment where i sensed anything romantic, ( stop bullshitting me isayama, if you really wanted me to believe that you should have done a better job in that aspect of the story, it seems to me that isayama cant write romance for shit) , i mean it was clear to me that eren was pulling the whole sacrificial “i am the bad guy” card, but seriously what happened in the last chapter i still dont understand honestly i jaıst want to erase this last chapter from my mind and just think of it as an open ending or something.( İ felt similar this way with the last episode of game of thrones too) this was a rant i dpnt even remember most of what i wrote but hell i am not coming back here for a long time it would just make me feel frustrated and angry...
