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Can I just talk about his parents? Like, obviously we don't know the specifics of their ci...

anonienonie April 7, 2021 6:28 pm

Can I just talk about his parents? Like, obviously we don't know the specifics of their circumstances yet (but we will soon I assume), so this is just my personal take on what we do know so far. Also, I'm self inserting a lot since I know exactly how Hananoi feels so...

I find them incredibly selfish. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they're amazing and good people-- they're volunteer doctors in impoverished countries! They're goddamn saints. But if you know your work will take you away from family, why have a child at such a time? It broke my heart when we saw Hananoi cutting up his parents photos and not include the kids they're with. I'd be pasting my own photo in the parents picture just to feel like I do have family. His grandmother raised him, yes, and he wanted for nothing; but if I were him, I'd be hurting and thinking "Why are my parents taking care of another kid instead of staying with me?" It sounds selfish-- 'Your parents are saving and helping others!'-- but doesn't a child have a right to be a bit selfish in wanting their parents attention? I'm sure they love Saki, but to a child growing up, that sort of abandonment can fuck them up for good. It's just great that Hananoi has been able to bounce back thanks to Hotaru.

    randomm April 7, 2021 6:33 pm

    i agree! they are good people but are very bad parents. they kind of just forget they have a child at home who also needs love and affection but i do hope they realize that and maybe do their best to fulfill what they lacked to give in the past cuz it's never too late

    Jenn April 7, 2021 7:42 pm

    Good people—but bad parents. They seem nice but they have to know that it’s not okay to have a child and then just leave him alone all his life. You’re supposed to RAISE your kid not leave them lmao. They're very neglectful I feel bad for him.