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ohno I don’t know who to ship

vzaixro April 7, 2021 3:41 pm

ohno I don’t know who to ship

    JaeHyun April 7, 2021 4:34 pm can’, you shouldn’t...shipping a toddler is kinda I don’t know..creepy as hell bruh. She only like 6-9 years old and these dudes be 10 years older than her. Its messed up

    Napkin_powa April 7, 2021 7:16 pm can’, you shouldn’t...shipping a toddler is kinda I don’t know..creepy as hell bruh. She only like 6-9 years old and these dudes be 10 years older than her. Its messed up JaeHyun

    Shes technically not 6-9 years old, there are people who know her from her former body, maybe when her current child body grows more the ships will be I guess acceptable. I doubt any of the boys will do anything rn

    Cloverfr April 7, 2021 7:35 pm can’, you shouldn’t...shipping a toddler is kinda I don’t know..creepy as hell bruh. She only like 6-9 years old and these dudes be 10 years older than her. Its messed up JaeHyun

    Real question, do you only ship sexually? Like, is platonic shipping not a thing for you?
    I can't understand people with that kind of pervert mentality, I have being shipping kid character ever since I was 5 years old, Sakura x Shaoran, Arnold x Helga, Kim x Ron, Number 4 x Number 3, Danny x Valerie, Zuko x Katara, you name it.

    Like, you actually think people want to see her having XXX in her current form? What's wrong with you? Is really that your default mentality?.

    Is the feeling of wanting to see them grow up together and have a happy life in the future that foreign to you?

    MagicalReader April 7, 2021 11:29 pm
    Real question, do you only ship sexually? Like, is platonic shipping not a thing for you? I can't understand people with that kind of pervert mentality, I have being shipping kid character ever since I was 5 ye... Cloverfr

    You're screaming the essence of a 7-year-old, me. I started shipping before I knew what shipping was. I just got hit in the face with level 3, nostalgia.