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RESPECT don't hate.

VasílissaLily April 7, 2021 2:21 am

You know some people only came here to say bad things about this manga. You should stop doing that because it's the mangaka's own work and I'm sure hard work and more are spent for that. It's the mangaka's story not yours. We should just respect it and if you don't like it, just drop it. Don't go leaving hate comments or something that would upset the mangaka or the translators because no work is easy. The manga is good as it is. It focuses more on making us laugh then sprinkles a little bit of romance. So stop hurting the feelings of those who worked hard, RESPECT, not only for this manga's author or translator but for all of them. And if you don't like how the story is flowing or going, then make your own. ( ̄へ ̄)
