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U know what I like the shy one, cos out of all things the shown. The shy One already show ...

Ervie April 6, 2021 7:28 am

U know what I like the shy one, cos out of all things the shown. The shy One already show his true self to the uke but I don't like the twins toying one's feeling I understand that he was so introvert but he need to man up a lil bit coz I think the uke will like him that way unlike
Jae woo that is pretending to be kind was kinda annoying. You know what because if he fall in love with the uke pretending to be his hyung, isn't it the thing he super detest coz he wants to be acknowledge as jae woo and not seo woo right. He will gey hurt at the end and he will hurt the uke.

So it's better to the shy one real seo woo to man up and confess
