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I can not judge Mirai-kun.He is such a beautiful character. He's kind and understanding. I...

Wall☜♥☞Flower March 15, 2016 4:43 pm

I can not judge Mirai-kun.He is such a beautiful character.
He's kind and understanding. I don't think labeling one as stupid for liking and falling in love again is right ... I mean how would a person know how the relationship with their partner will end?
Do you see what will happen tomm? Can you see the future.Isn't that why we date people because we like them...and in doing so deepening the relationship further?

Mirai-kun kept loving despite having been hurt so many times yet he continue to love...
And I find that admirable and one of his strong traits :)
It's not his fault that these guys were gonna be assholes!
There are so many "normal" looking dudes in real life that are jerks behind their backs... but there are also "jerk" like looking but has heart of gold...

Point is...we will all fall in in love and out again in our life but that doesn't mean you should close your doors. There are billions of us. You are bound to find the one if you know where too look and who to look for.
