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Bruh I really loved this story but Harold,,, it was hard to hate him in the end because of...

Remembrall0 March 19, 2021 12:36 pm

Bruh I really loved this story but Harold,,, it was hard to hate him in the end because of all the development he got and how he lowkey was portrayed as an "uwu mentally ill boy obsessed with his crush" but he definitely needs harsher punishment! he gangbangs and practically attempts to kill an innocent high schooler and all he gets is his public image ruined (which we really don't see the effect of) and house arrest?? Does anyone remember him telling his friends to strangle Dolph and that he wanted to try fucking a corpse???? h hello???? he still has no remorse for what he did too. man's absolutely fucked up. I want Dolph to wake up and get closure/revenge I suppose him never being able to be a star again and never being able to be with Hanyul is a big blow to him, and it's acceptable for a fictional story, but irl that deserves some serious jail time :/// plus therapy to fix his fucked up head.
