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please help me out

Mimi March 18, 2021 6:00 pm

it was a manhwa I read long ago I can't find it now. it was shounen ai. here's the gist of the story:

uke and seme and few others were in a party. uke's elder brother was friend of seme. seme first met uke at the party. seme was drunk and when he woke up in the morning he found himself besides uke naked and he thought he slept with the uke. seme was straight and uke was gay and he had blue hair (if I remember properly). uke used to play guitar and seme piano. uke wasn't good with piano so he asked his brother to ask the seme if he will teach him piano. the seme felt responsible all these time for sleeping with uke and uke also said it's okay and he doesn't have to take responsibility. but the seme was very polite he felt guilty, he was wondering if he was gay. he agreed to teach him piano. seme started falling for uke but later uke said nothing happened at the party they never slept together. uke's ex was abusive he was threatening him. seme saved the uke from him. later seme proposed uke and they had sex.

this manhwa has not more than 40 chapters
