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and then the ex enters the scene again after breaking up with him ... if that were to happ...

IAMCHEESE-ASS March 18, 2021 2:04 pm

and then the ex enters the scene again after breaking up with him ... if that were to happen i'd lose it

    Ice March 18, 2021 2:15 pm

    I think that also. I think the ex will appear when he starting to move forward.

    IAMCHEESE-ASS March 18, 2021 2:45 pm
    I think that also. I think the ex will appear when he starting to move forward. Ice

    i recall a panel wherein the "ex" was having second-thoughts with everything,, i mean his right to reconsider was lost the moment he chose the new guy. Our uke's already reached so far on his road to acceptance and then he'd show up once again, i hope he gets rejected real hard/ (I also dislike the new boyfriend,, he kinda manipulated uke's ex into being with him)

    Ice March 18, 2021 3:00 pm

    Shocks I SECOND THE MOTION!!!! And i remember that. That the ex is having a second thought about breaking up. I still feel his love to our baby. But because of that "new", hes having a hard time. And i hate that "new" one too. The way he cling and talk. Grrr

    IAMCHEESE-ASS March 18, 2021 3:08 pm
    Shocks I SECOND THE MOTION!!!! And i remember that. That the ex is having a second thought about breaking up. I still feel his love to our baby. But because of that "new", hes having a hard time. And i hate tha... Ice

    yess,, things wouldve been better without that btch, but what can we do, at least our uke's trying to change up his life and i think its beneficial for him :>>

    Ice March 18, 2021 4:21 pm

    Yes to road to move on. I hope that new dont do anything to our baby.