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my overall thoughts...

yanderebfsupremacy March 17, 2021 8:35 pm

my overall thoughts..

ok this was rlly sad wow. i just kept crying over how taeil loves her so much but is conflicted with reality. it was like they were fated to be together from the start, although i didnt quite understand the whole deal with them having similar talismans and stuff.. i honestly love their relationship so much, i rated it 4/5 stars. it was so good overall, but i felt that it was just slightly rushed towards the end. i didn't understand how hajun was able to give up on the person he said "i love you" to so easily, like he let taeil possess him to say goodbye to yuzu, and hajun most likely knew yuzu loves taeil. also the fact that yuzu never really showed much romantic feelings towards taeil but suddenly started wondering if she loves him kinda weirded me out. like the only times she showed romantic interest in taeil was when he was wearing hajun's face, and she was like "agh, he shouldn't say it with that face!". also taeil was being very serious when he told hajun that he should not tell her that hes actually still alive, but he approached her at the fan meeting LOL. yuzu is very cute and lovable, but when she blamed taeil she got me rlly mad... like legit she was blaming taeil for how her and hajun's relationship turned out, then a couple chapters later she realizes she loves taeil

anyway other than that its a rlly good story, i cant believe i read this all in one sitting. i recommend turning on "try again" by jaehyun while reading this cuz its a sad song LOL.

    Ihateolivegarden March 18, 2021 12:00 pm

    LOL I was actually playing that song again and again in my head while reading this. I felt like it fit the vibe

    yanderebfsupremacy March 18, 2021 5:00 pm
    LOL I was actually playing that song again and again in my head while reading this. I felt like it fit the vibe Ihateolivegarden