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Truth might be stranger than fiction but...

Joubim March 17, 2021 2:46 pm

I swear all these ML characters are always so dysfunctional, like most of them lacks any basic emotion or social skills. Crazy that we think it's cool when they open up and the only thing I can think is that in real life, they would be effing sociopaths.

I'm not saying he's no good, just that... Could we maybe have a normal dude emotionally? Why are they all so stunted and feeling nothing that's definitely strange

    LatteGratte March 17, 2021 2:54 pm

    You are misusing that term.

    PochiMochi26 March 17, 2021 2:55 pm

    As a writer, we need to have a foundation for each characters “dysfunctions”. In other words they werent born to be this fucked up, they were turned into one. What I mean is that so more readers can relate/understand the character, we can either hate or love them. The more dysfunctional the villain is the more we hate them, and the more dysfunctional the ML the more we “pity”(Pity is not the word im looking for but its synonymous to it) the character.

    LatteGratte March 17, 2021 3:03 pm

    He does not display any symptoms of antisocial personality disorder. He can obviously tell right from wrong, he’s not manipulative, he does not lie for his own benefit, he does not act impulsively, he is not arrogant, he doesn’t lack empathy, he can obviously show guilt and remorse, seeing as he helped Cayena when dealing with that other creep. Sure, he may have have a slightly awkward, cold, personality, but that does not mean he is a sociopath. He is not. He suffers from trauma, so he naturally doesn’t like people touching him very much.
    Lacking basic emotional or social skills does not make him a sociopath, or people like him a sociopath, the only thing it’d make them is a little awkward.

    LatteGratte March 17, 2021 3:04 pm

    Raphael is a normal person. He just has a cold personality. That is it. He is not a sociopath. Don’t throw that term around.

    LatteGratte March 17, 2021 3:11 pm
    As a writer, we need to have a foundation for each characters “dysfunctions”. In other words they werent born to be this fucked up, they were turned into one. What I mean is that so more readers can relate/... PochiMochi26

    I understand what you mean by the whole dysfunctional thing, but he’s not a sociopath.

    Joubim March 17, 2021 3:15 pm
    You are misusing that term. LatteGratte

    Well I guess I was not too clear about what I was saying. I'm not talking about him specifically. It's just a reflection on how there are so many emotionally challenged MLs out there. Many of whom do display quite a sociopathic behavior. For example, her brother?
    I'm just reflecting on the fact that heroines are so healing all the time and it's mostly never the reverse.

    Yoreadinfast March 17, 2021 3:32 pm
    Well I guess I was not too clear about what I was saying. I'm not talking about him specifically. It's just a reflection on how there are so many emotionally challenged MLs out there. Many of whom do display qu... Joubim

    I see where your going with this idea...and yeah I also kinda agree

    cobrakai1972 March 17, 2021 3:39 pm
    Well I guess I was not too clear about what I was saying. I'm not talking about him specifically. It's just a reflection on how there are so many emotionally challenged MLs out there. Many of whom do display qu... Joubim

    I get what you were trying to say tho, most men (either its MLs or the fathers or brothers etc) in reincarnation or isekais are very emotionally constipated and some do show sociopathic qualities, like its very concerning with the repetitive pattern authorsss lol but yea @lattegratte raphael isnt a sociopath and he also doesnt show any sociopath behaviors either, he's just socially challenged and he's a bit awkward too imo but its cute haha

    Joubim March 17, 2021 3:48 pm
    I get what you were trying to say tho, most men (either its MLs or the fathers or brothers etc) in reincarnation or isekais are very emotionally constipated and some do show sociopathic qualities, like its very... cobrakai1972

    emotionally constipated