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Scarlett! March 13, 2021 9:18 am

I get that she just wants to be loved and all but the way she’s going at it rn is NOT the way at all. its not a valid excuse to out your brother and say homophobic shit like that its not an excuse to be a fucking asshole, i hope her character grows to be a bit more mature and that she learns to say sorry to her sibling. no one should be outed like that no matter what, and the fact that he trusted her enough to tell her and she just exposed him w/o asking him first makes it worse.

    snow March 13, 2021 4:44 pm

    Agreed. I understand that she has her own share of pain but that DOESN'T mean its okay to also hurt others especially when its your sibling, like omg why? Their fight scene was soooo intense tho ( ̄∇ ̄")