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He's one in a million

Ainekomoishuu March 13, 2021 1:35 am

I mean to see him take a day off to visit his wife's school is something i can only see in a webtoon. Its so so so nice. But if i were her i'd feel troubled to return the favour. He really tries his best for her so she would also want to do the same.
Otherwise it'll feel imbalanced, won't it?

    risa kim March 13, 2021 1:39 am

    yeah, i agree. i think it’s because she’s so reluctant to open herself up in fear of her feelings being misunderstood. that’s why he goes above and beyond to prove himself to her and to help her out, which is where the imbalance comes from. with whatever happens next, i hope the roles are reversed and she is somehow helping him!