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the zedmeister March 12, 2021 2:03 pm

But yeah, I'll be honest. The ending just didn't satisfy me. It's been a year since I started this series and this last arc? It just didn't live up to the earlier chapters/prequel. Pretty much a total downgrade, despite the fact that it had SO much potential. It was completely B.S-ed and rushed in the last 5-10 chapters, and it's obvious the mangaka wanted to wrap things up before getting axed again (yes, again, because the manga was supposed to be cancelled in the first series but somehow they managed to get back on track with the sequel--which they probably shouldn't have bothered with anyway.) I'm probably being biased because after best boy Neibu left the story, I just wasn't interested anymore. But I definitely recommend giving at least the prequel a read, because it's seriously a cool story. It just wasn't executed in the best way in the sequel.
