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Haru realizing that her own sister was more suitable for Tougo cemented her feelings of dr...

Merleawe March 12, 2021 7:27 am

Haru realizing that her own sister was more suitable for Tougo cemented her feelings of dragging Natsumi to commit suicide. It highlighted even as she was approaching death she couldn't change her mentality. (Haru unable to be more "mature".) The sad reality was that she wouldn't get the chance to change making it difficult (for me at least) to be upset at Haru (she'd rather her own sister die than think about the possibility of them being together).

This story is so good at showing human complexity. Natsumi acknowledging her unnatural obsession with her sister. Tougo recognizing how complacent he is in his own life. Haru at the end of her life was still as childish as much as she didn't want to be. Both Natsumi and Tougo becoming aware of what being together meant for themselves.

As a side note, imagine Haru is okay but at some point in the future realizes Tougo is interested in Natsumi. Her (one sided) feelings are overwhelming. It'd be easy to imagine her wanting or attempting to kill Natsumi for it. Really interesting right? (⌒▽⌒)
