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Off topic but

Ugly_buugs March 11, 2021 10:45 am

I hate homophobic ppl so much esp if they have kids or want to have kids
Like u gave birth n raised them and told them u loved them but if they came out liking someone of the same gender u beat them? It doesn’t even affect anyone. If u think it’s gross to have sex with someone of the same gender then don’t it’s not ur problem to deal with
If anyone actually did that I think they just weren’t ready to have a child yet

    inspector fujo March 11, 2021 12:51 pm

    ikr??? aren't we all the same, man or woman aside from reproductive systems? this is why i wish anyone can give birth. why do they have to force everyone to be their definition of "normal" if both people are happy and contented w e/o? some straight relationships aren't even healthy