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please help~

sthkrn March 1, 2016 12:37 am

I need help finding this yaoi.
I don't remember how it starts but basically this guy meets again with this other guy. The other guy is really wealthy but he's innocent and sheltered. When they were young he wrote a letter and tied it to a balloon and the guy was the one who wrote back to him. So after somethings they meet again and he has to work as a body guard for the wealthy guy. There is two guys around the same age that are body guards too. The wealthy guy gets kidnapped bc the step mother wanted to interfere and the brother tells them the location. Also the reason the wealthy guy fell in love was because when they were younger he said he saved him from the boar and the guy said a cool line but the boar was just a tiny animal and the guy only wanted to say it once.
