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Adriana makes me so angry

MillsSama-BoonSama March 11, 2021 3:53 am

I don’t get why she’s sticking around. I get why people do it in real life (fear, self loathing, misplaced hope, etc), but that’s clearly not what’s going on here.

Actually, let me rephrase. I understand why pre-isekai Adriana stuck around. She had the same tragic motives as real people.

It’s post-isekai Adriana that pisses me off. Ken already offered help, she turned him down. The royal family owes her a debt of gratitude and could use their leverage over the Duchess is multiple ways to help her, and are smart enough to do it. And demon boy could literally take her to another realm where the Duchess cannot get to her.

And, to be honest, I don’t give two shits about the older brother. He can fend for himself as far as I’m concerned.

Go to the royal family for help, get engaged to the prince and then we can have conflict and drama between all the main characters for legitimate reasons instead of occasionally being dragged back to misery porn for the sake of a character we’ve never seen!

Gimme Ken and the second prince sniping at each other! Give me tense meetings between the second prince and Belgarde! Give me forbidden romance and secret moments between Adriana and Belgarde! Give me a disgraced duchess plotting revenge and being thwarted, hell, have her go to Maron House!

There’s so much potential here, but instead we have to endure an abuse plotline instead of anything actually interesting because the author apparently hasn’t realised that strong female characters should actually use the agency they fought for instead of doing nothing for the sake of a man who a, can look after himself, and b, may or may not turn out to be a bad guy.

Either knock it off with the misery porn, or have the Duchess beat the younger brother. One or the other.
