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I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you

Peach March 10, 2021 8:27 am

So at the beginning of the series I was Team Yahwi because I thought he was more attractive and his coldness was endearing and cute, however he totally ruined it with everything he did, like are you kidding me? Then Cain swoops in and is kinda sus, but this chapter was the final piece that convinced me that he’s not a bad person and a total sweetheart. He cleaned up the place, tucked drunk Jooin in bed, comforted him, AND DIDN’T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HIM. We all know what Yahwi would’ve done... Anyway, I’m pretty sure Yahwi is endgame because the story has been focusing on his relationship with Jooin, and Cain is kinda just strung along to be the second lead destined to fail. But even if Cain doesn’t get the mans, at least he walks out knowing he’s the better human.
