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Kinda funny

BubbleGumB March 9, 2021 2:03 pm

Idk why they make colorblindness to be such a bad thing, no one is getting hurt from it, over 1 million people have it.

    Action Fantasy March 10, 2021 8:41 pm

    Well I choose to believe that his fear of being rejected by being colorblind might have come from childhood experience from being like excluded or shunned as “not normal” by other kids. Childhood trauma are hard to get rid off and I think that’s might what had happened to him.

    Children are so scary sometimes from ignorance. But if children grew up thinking colorblindness is a “defect” then adults are even scarier.

    I don’t really have any opinion on people w colorblindness

    BubbleGumB March 10, 2021 9:38 pm
    Well I choose to believe that his fear of being rejected by being colorblind might have come from childhood experience from being like excluded or shunned as “not normal” by other kids. Childhood trauma are... Action Fantasy

    Of course, kids are so evil, I wanna punch all of them >:]