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I don't know if it's only me but I feel bad for Chang... I know he did a lot of mess espec...

CrazyTwinsXD March 8, 2021 8:02 pm

I don't know if it's only me but I feel bad for Chang... I know he did a lot of mess especially that debt but I want to have Chang's side story if ever.

If I was Ed, I want to take more time before getting back. Then Creed/McQueen, I actually don't understand the movie Perfection and the message of it and what mess he did.

Overall, I'm happy to the both of them and for Ryan and Cecile Again I wanna have Chang's side story if ever but yeah I think that's impossible.

    S.A.L.L.Y. March 8, 2021 9:56 pm

    Sorry i wanted to like:( i feel with you

    idkidc March 9, 2021 12:16 am

    Same. Maybe somethings wrong with me but I always feel bad for the characters like Chang. I’m a sucker for a chance of redemption and characters like Chang and Jihyun in Back to School pull my heart strings :( like please... someone love this man. R*pe is still too far messed up though.

    alice March 9, 2021 1:17 am
    Same. Maybe somethings wrong with me but I always feel bad for the characters like Chang. I’m a sucker for a chance of redemption and characters like Chang and Jihyun in Back to School pull my heart strings :... idkidc

    Same. I hate Chang so so much for what he did to Yeowoon.. but I can’t help but feel bad. It may just be because that’s how I usually am. Even if I’m completely in the right, I will always doubt myself and wonder how the other person is feeling, no matter what they did. Chang doesn’t deserve a happy ending and we all know that, so this is just something that we’re gonna have to live with. It hurts but it’s how it should be. It’s the best way. Yeowoon shouldn’t ever have to remember or experience that again.