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Wait, im somewhere at the beginning of the story and i don't get it. What does she mean th...

Abortion March 8, 2021 1:02 pm

Wait, im somewhere at the beginning of the story and i don't get it. What does she mean that her body has started to change? Isn't she a trans?

    Abortion March 8, 2021 1:20 pm

    i get it now

    Holosexual March 8, 2021 11:24 pm

    could you explain to me what exactly happened?

    Neko Nyan March 11, 2021 2:24 am
    could you explain to me what exactly happened? Holosexual

    It just magically changed. They went to the doctors but no one knew what happened - is what I understand of it.

    Ruri March 11, 2021 8:35 am
    It just magically changed. They went to the doctors but no one knew what happened - is what I understand of it. Neko Nyan

    No, it's not magical, I think Itsuki is actually what is called an [intersex], which is a real syndrome. Most of the time the changes occur when you are very young.
    I'm not sure how old Itsuki is but it might've still been possible for their hormones to develop one way or another, and those hormones change our features from masculine features to feminine.

    There are real people and real case studies about this. You can google it.

    Neko Nyan March 11, 2021 11:23 am
    No, it's not magical, I think Itsuki is actually what is called an [intersex], which is a real syndrome. Most of the time the changes occur when you are very young.I'm not sure how old Itsuki is but it might've... Ruri

    Oh I thought intersex was when you have like both female and male reproductive organs. Also if this was the case, then I feel like it’d be weird that no doctors knew what was going on (which is said in chap 2 or something), although it could be a small plot hole. I saw a lot of ppl saying it might’ve been Ritsu’s wish that Itsuki became a girl , so I took it as a magical thing. idk though, hopefully they’ll explain more..?

    Ruri March 11, 2021 11:39 am
    Oh I thought intersex was when you have like both female and male reproductive organs. Also if this was the case, then I feel like it’d be weird that no doctors knew what was going on (which is said in chap 2... Neko Nyan

    No, there are different cases and different types of intersex. There are case studies of people who suddenly have to deal with becoming a different gender, and it
    s a little traumatizing.

    Anyway...maybe the author didn't know in full detail about intersex.
    But it's also true that it's a rare thing most people don't know about. Maybe the doc don't know either XDa (tbh doctors in Japan aren't really that competent---)

    dofu March 11, 2021 12:09 pm
    No, it's not magical, I think Itsuki is actually what is called an [intersex], which is a real syndrome. Most of the time the changes occur when you are very young.I'm not sure how old Itsuki is but it might've... Ruri

    True. Intersex is a very real thing, but I think the author left it up to the viewer's discretion. The way the manga describes Itsuki's transition makes it sound more magical than medical especially when they mention the doctors' opinion. Japan is developed country so I'm sure doctors would've been able to identify whether or not she was intersex. The author might have left it ambiguous for readers who might not understand what intersex is.