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I keep reading stuff about how asians

sweety1997 March 7, 2021 11:47 pm

suffer from asian parents, as if they are on some kind of leash and will die or something if they ever dare overstep it or HOW DARE break it.

And here I am, someone who decided to not give a fuck if my parents "love" only would exist for a me that like some dog obeyed their expectations and became someone I was not just to give their unhappy irresponsible selves some sense of stability, control and satisfaction in their lousy lifes controlled by self inflicted restrictions. So I went "against" my parents and did my own thing. They tried threatening me, doing all they could think of to make me obey. But they realised how that only made me more and more distant and assured about how toxic they are, how their "love" is not at all anything I would want in my life and how I rather "woke up" from being some dependent baby and matured with ever mistake they made. Now they are the kinds of parents you see on TV in those perfect dramas, who support their daughter, try to fnd out what she likes and adjust to it, who praise her for being so confident and so awesome to go her own way. Who sometimes raise their opinion and show remnants of wishes and expectations they had on their kid who they viewed as their possession for too long, but try to supress it whenever they see how I close off when they do that. It is funny to see how my mother sometimes chokes up, when I tell her, that I appreciate her opinion on my life, but that it is my life and that I am the only one that knows what is best for me.

So this stuff about an adult women being forced into doing something she does not want is irresponsible from an objective standpoint. She has no right to be unhappy or what, if she decides to give the responsibility over her own goddamn life to her parents all on her own, just to "not be hated". What the heck. I am not blaming her. She is ina kind of society that uses this family structure, hierarchy and education to manipulate and control their citizen in this way. It comes in very handy for the powerful 1 percent of korea to have citizen that listen to authority so well, even when they feel strongly against it. I mean you can see it on the suicide rates and the age of those who commit it. They rather kill themselves, than say no and stand their ground and live their own life how they want to. A very successful capitalistic society that is an easy puppet for the 1 percent.
