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I understand sui anger in this situation imagine getting killed and got his soul almost de...

Mokha March 7, 2021 4:51 pm

I understand sui anger in this situation imagine getting killed and got his soul almost destroyed by a fiance of a man you loved who never mention of his engagement with a high level goddesses thru their relationship, and found out about it when he already feel in love deeply, and actually ended his relationship with him as soon as he found out about it, but still ended up killed because of it. But kinda wish Yan more open and tell everything first before hugging sui, i think he will understand the situation, they might not continue their relationship just like that, but at least sui can forgive him, and can start a fresh.

    Fujoshi Dotti March 8, 2021 5:24 am

    Romance stories like this one don’t start with clear communication first.