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TW // Su1c1de, Mental Illness.

Catto March 7, 2021 2:44 am

I honestly doesn't have any word to tell you how sad Hyesung life is. I shouldn't compare fiction to real life but if I'm in Hyesung shoes, I would kill myself from the moment I'm pregnant. I have anxiety disorder and depression but my life farrr moreee better than Hyesung story.

He's traumatic and I feel so sad :( everybody comes on a whims just to get something from him, his parent abandon him in such a young age, he does not familiar with fatherly or motherly love. Plus he have to get pregnant in a young age which he doesn't understand what to do, I understand if he wants some space alone.

I think it would be better if you didn't leave any hate comments, because it looks dumb... this is illegal website and you looks like doesn't appreciate the uploader or translator :(( please respect other and sorry if I twist my word or my word too rude, I accept your opinion and correction.

    Ugh001 March 7, 2021 2:53 am

    Waah finally someone with some brains... i dont understand why some people hate on Hyesung... they literally dont understand what he has been through and going through.... the fact that he still says what he feels and shows his anger is a sign that he is strong... people have no clue about mental illness and expect people to be happy and lively even though when things are not going right... he has every right to be depressed... and he didn't completely ignore Byul he held his hand said he wants to be alone which is right in all way.... he needs to be alone and sort out his thoughts .... i wish people were more understanding towards not only depressed fiction characters but in real life too... i tell you the people hating on Hyesung are the ones who bully mentally ill people in real life coz they are dumb and dont understand how the other person is feeling... Im a depressed person and at times i burst out with anger wanting to be alone but this is just how the people around me act saying m a drama queen and what not... wow

    Mewmew March 7, 2021 4:13 am

    Sorry i down voted

    icekween March 7, 2021 5:20 am

    theres been some time now i see comments 'dojin shouldnt forgive hyesung for running away aftee birth' and all but thats why hyesung loves him: he understands just what hyesung needs and does whatever it takes to make him feel better. having a baby and a lover was beyond everything he swore would ever have (beacuse he knew it was his emocional limit) and yet he did. and im glad he had someone supporting him through it all.