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am i the only one who wants mataoki to end up with kaname? mataoki is childish and is thir...

hana4x February 21, 2016 11:41 pm

am i the only one who wants mataoki to end up with kaname? mataoki is childish and is thirsty for a brotherly affection, whereas kaname is more matured, kinda gives off a motherly aura. theyd be a cute pair imo, with mataoki as the puppy seme.

godou is fucking twisted, i feel really sorry for kiri who genuinely loves him.

my fave volume is the second one. what happened to nagakura & mao is so tragic. and andou too.

    Elissa April 7, 2016 6:52 pm

    Tsoochi (spelled wrong) would be better. Kaname deserves only the best. The brother-in-law who needs a new love would work..