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Wow!! I saw alot of people liking this manga so I went to look at it. Its really good!! Am...

Daisuke Kambe March 6, 2021 7:21 pm

Wow!! I saw alot of people liking this manga so I went to look at it. Its really good!! Amazing indeed. I felt alot of emotions reading this, and its only oneshot?? Amazing. Trully a masterpiece.

I loved every backstory of each person and I actually felt them while reading them. The drawing is also very beautiful. It shows alot on what is happening and I cant stop looking at the food they drew! Whew im feeling more hungrier as I think about it.

The girls were drawn very pretty and the boy is hilarious. I wished there was more of the manga. If it had a manga I wouldve bought it right away!

Can someone tell me the link for this book? I hope it will come soon. This manga will be popular in only some days!!

    LaFujoshi March 7, 2021 4:18 pm

    Omg this is EXACTLY how i felt, like down to the smallest detail. I really wanted to know if there's more (i mean the friggin plot twist cliff hanger?????? Sis i'm just a mere mortal, don't just end it there!!) and i tried find out if there's a continuation or a book or something, and i found out that a movie adaptation was coming out like next year or sumn on the author's twitter. I can't wait!!!
    Damn right this manga's gonna be topping all the charts in a few days, how could it not???