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The problem that I had with this manga is not so much Mirai's actiond but the fact that it...

raziesgirl February 19, 2016 11:12 pm

The problem that I had with this manga is not so much Mirai's actiond but the fact that it was out of the blue . In the begining we pretty much have an idea about what kind of person Mirai is he's depicted as being a good child honest than we also have the childhood friend who say's that he does'nt know if Mirai is innocent or stupid . Well I think that he was both stupid in thinking that he could believe in people that he barely knew trusting them to be good and honest like himself . An the innocent part of him thinking if a person saids that they loved him that they ment it when in fact they didn't . A lot of people have a problem with the end personally I didn't what else could Mirai do he finally realized that those guy's didn't give a shit about him especially the salary man and the college student . And as far as him and Hibidy getting together let's face it they've been together since they were kids all of those flashbacks their always holding hands . It's just that they have just started to understand each other as partners or lover's instead of just childhood friends . Which is the reason that when Hibidy stopped doing H stuff with Mirai he did that because he didn't want their relationship to be just about sex like those other guys . And yes Mirai did show how much he cared about Hibidy especially when Hibidy was confessed too he was scared to death that Hibidy would start to date that girl but he also thought that he deserved what ever happened because he had sex with the salary man even when he wasn't sure that he should have sex he did it anyway and look what happened all because he believed that guy .

    yuui-chan February 21, 2016 6:43 am

    wow you just conveyed all of my feelings now