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It's not right that readers are forcing trans identity issues onto Julien, he wanted to do...

Anonymous March 5, 2021 11:31 pm

It's not right that readers are forcing trans identity issues onto Julien, he wanted to do and wear "feminine" things when he was a kid, he didn't actually want to change sex. It's such a regressive attitude that characters who cross dress or like "feminine" things, start to have their sex questioned. Men can wear dresses or makeup, it doesn't mean they have issues with their biological sex, they are just challenging current gender norms.

As for the main plot, really wish they didn't go down the incest route. Yes they aren't blood relatives, but it's really quite homo and biphobic and the author should have done better.

    remmiiii April 25, 2021 10:09 am

    i completely disagree with the last part. The ending doesn't have anything to do with the author's personality. Regarding you statements you should know better than to judge someone that easily. I'm not being bias here or anything, I'm just saying homophobia doesn't just come down to something as simple as that