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Saharatori March 5, 2021 1:34 pm

Who went insane here? Its said the neuchwenstein went insane looking for its lover.... What!

    FlipJupiter March 5, 2021 1:39 pm

    I think its her Knight, bcz that blond hair guy is frends with the knight who protected the duchess. So like the knight failrd to protect his master, so thats why as a knight you know if master die, I die too or smth like dat is what I think.

    Audmod March 5, 2021 2:17 pm
    I think its her Knight, bcz that blond hair guy is frends with the knight who protected the duchess. So like the knight failrd to protect his master, so thats why as a knight you know if master die, I die too o... FlipJupiter

    In another part tho they said Jeremy went crazy over the loss of his lover, and I think they said this because they thought him and Shuli were secretly lovers