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I swear!!! If the duke...

Aslanvicchan March 5, 2021 12:17 pm

Okay so wtf? What the hell! What the frickity fuck is with these asshole kidnapper? I just hate the fact that Jace got raped TWICE! WHAT I HATE EVEN MORE IS KNOWING THAT JACE AND THE DUKE WILL BE THE END GAME. BUT PLEASE... LET THE DUKE SUFFER AND PAY FOR WHAT HE DID. NOT A SIMPLE "SORRY, I RAPED YOU BC I DID NOT KNOW THAT I WAS JEALOUS AND MAD WITH THE IDEA THAT YOU HAVE A BF." Okay, he was also mad bc he thought that Jace just used and tricked him but raping is just a big, fat, throbbing NO. The plot makes me excited ngl. I just hate that the uke got raped by the seme (。•︿•。). Last, the commentaries and translator's notes are always so kind and funny
