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I'm so confused!

Manga_Me March 5, 2021 12:07 pm

I'm so confused!
can someone explain to me what is going on? that was shuli? was that someone else? did she died while jeremys wedding or not? who is the 'other' shuli? WHATS GOING ONNN

    mynameistobio March 5, 2021 12:11 pm

    ok hunny sit down

    this is a flashback!! this was the original story shuli died by the hands of the church after believing the children hated her and didn’t want her at the wedding when in reality that was the opposite. ofc the story we know now is shuli’s second chance at life but these few chapters we are readings atm is her first life

    Naraa March 5, 2021 12:13 pm

    The black color bg is the story from shuli previous life, the past 2 chap is about what happen after shuli’s death. She died after leaving Jeremy wedding cause Jeremy fiancé told Shuli that he didn’t want Shuli to attend the ceremony, so basically it was a misunderstanding.
    The white bg is the present life which is her current one, where she tried to change between her & the kids relationship.