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I read a bit of the novel and ngl the ML was alright, but the fl irritated the shizz out o...

GreenVeggies March 4, 2021 7:42 pm

I read a bit of the novel and ngl the ML was alright, but the fl irritated the shizz out of me! For someone who’s supposed to be older like in her 20s her mindset and her thoughts were more like an 8 years old, heck there’s probably more mature 8 years old kids out there... I just felt bad for the ml babysitting a 20 something year old brat of an mc, heck I would have voted for the heroine to have been the mc in this novel =.= overall it was a disappointing read

    Nakisa March 13, 2021 6:45 am

    The promo was kinda strange tho-
    She kinda seem like a airhead & is overly rude to both the OG MC..
    Thankz for writing tho it kinda confirm my suspicions