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0.1%survival vs 100% death

Kttrinah March 4, 2021 7:30 pm

I have a question, if they had known they were going to die on the cave by starvation, why did they not take the risk of eating those poisonous weed instead?

Since there's a little possibility that they could develop immunity to it, rather than just die...

Or is that immunity could only be developed at a young age? Is that the reason? Sorry, I'm not knowledgeable about poison...

This is just so freaking sad for me ToT

    DramaticMES March 4, 2021 7:50 pm

    Dying of starvation is a lot more peaceful then dying of poison, of course it’s a quicker death to those who have given up on living. Immunity is best at younger ages yes, but they have no idea what kind of consequences the poison herbs could give. If it’s infectious by touch or if they’ll end up in a worse condition then death.