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Ok,I really,really,really want to said this So Badly and I know everyone heard this before...

[email protected] February 13, 2016 6:41 am

Ok,I really,really,really want to said this So Badly and I know everyone heard this before you know "Better Love Story than Twilight" or "Better than Twilight",well I'm saying This now...When the first time read chapt.1 I didn't think much of it at first,but when I keep on reading it,the first odd thing that pop in to my head of the two male character relationship was 'Bella & Edward' I guess..because the situation that their in when u think about it ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍,But different and handle it very well.
Overall this Love Story Is TRILE Times More Better Then Twilight,{In MY Opinion.}it just everything about the story,the characters,the adventure of the main character having.I mean it would have been easily tired to be like Twilight,But it didn't which I'm very glad of,by the way I just Love Motoki & Shidou relationship;(≧∀≦) its more interesting,well developed,understanding.Again better than Bella & Edward that they'll never be in their "vampire lives".(︶︿︶)=凸
