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Really want a chapter update

Deadlyalice10987 February 10, 2016 7:13 pm

the author really needs to come back to this story .... i wanna know if the girl from the beginning is still alive and i want to know why hes snapped and who else can help them kill of the monsters and the people letting them free .... there is so much unanswered i want to know more. if the author has forgotten about the story and cant remember what happens next i suggest reading the story again and think like the readers do, and how many things have gone unanswered.... the last update on this story was 2011 it is now 2016.... i know it takes more than just the author to make a manga or to make anything really but it would be nice if i could read the rest of this story, its a good story line and the art is done well I have noticed that not to many people have read this book on this website but i really really wanna know what happens next ^_^ Please update soon ^.^
