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Lmao. People losing their shit at the bitch comment, when only a chapter ago, Yukio called...

anonienonie March 2, 2021 1:11 am

Lmao. People losing their shit at the bitch comment, when only a chapter ago, Yukio called Aoi a slut. Lol.

Anyway, I feel bad for Yukio. Can you imagine having to go through life second guessing everyone and everything they do or say? Having your work and effort belittled and chalked up to just "being a wolf." His words are harsh, yes, but there's a valid reason why he has to have a wall around himself. For people with such trust issues, actions tend be better than words since lies can so easily be spun. In that moment, there was absolutely nothing Aoi could have said that would have convinced Yukio he hasn't been replaced. Welp, let's see how they resolve this then (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
