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This is a wonderful list! I'm still working through it but I've been introduced to so many...

Absent Minded February 27, 2021 4:43 am

This is a wonderful list! I'm still working through it but I've been introduced to so many beautiful pieces that I'd probably missed otherwise.

Not sure if you've already read some of these but here are some recommendations!

My Broken Mariko |

K no Souretsu |

Utsubora - The Story of a Novelist |

Age Called Blue |

Hanaizawa-chou Kouminkan-dayori |

Hope I'm not overstepping haha, have a nice day! (=・ω・=)

    Wonted February 27, 2021 5:04 am

    Uwaaah that makes me so happy!! It always feels great when you find a new story, doesn’t it?! I haven’t yet read any of the stories you recommended yet, but they’re all stories I’ve never read and they aaaalllll look nice and the summary seems enjoyable!!! Sooo thank you so much!! I was in a bit of a rut trying to find something new , so again thank you !!

    And if it isn’t clear, you’re not overstepping any boundaries <3<3

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