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I don’t mean for this to sound harsh, but why did Linden’s mother need to kill herself...

neonpoop February 26, 2021 10:58 pm

I don’t mean for this to sound harsh, but why did Linden’s mother need to kill herself and her daughter?
I know they were in jail and that sucks, but it was a jail for royals and nobles, the same one that the empress was staying in, so it’s not some cramped jail cell. It looked nice enough with all the embellishments and amenities and I’m not saying that that’s good, ofc they’d want to get out, but the king was working on a way to release them and prove their innocence and yet they killed themselves? I feel like they could’ve camped out for a few more weeks in there.
I don’t know, it seems like the crucial plot point for this story and yet I’m sitting here like ???????? Why???????

    Softvanillavoca February 26, 2021 11:50 pm

    Thank you for bringing this up, I thought the same.
    Stress made her mentally unstable, probably

    Millie February 27, 2021 12:29 am

    I don't really get it either but I think it was because she was in jail for a long time, like I'm talking years. And since no one was allowed to talk to her (even linden her own son couldn't) I think she just went insane

    Kit February 27, 2021 1:02 am

    it’s not just her but also her daughter that’s in the jail. she is also aware that her husband is powerless at that time and the one who put them in the jail is the one that is supporting the emperor and giving him power in his position which means the emperor needs to lose his power if he wants to free them which he cannot do at that time. as you can see, even mil’s mother became unstable in that jail. but especially the mother who is locked with her daughter, with a future that should have been more beautiful yet just because of her own powerlessness and background, they ended up being locked. she isn’t the only one she have to worry about but also her daughter that’s still too young. and maybe because of helplessness, her decision became clouded.

    Sucker for Yaoi February 27, 2021 3:34 am

    I think they were in jail for about six months before they committed suicide.
    That's not a very long time imo..
    Still it's a great story I loved every bit of it

    Haise February 27, 2021 3:50 am

    I think something pushed her to insanity I mean if she was in prison how did she get out? Or she was blackmailed and had no way out and couldn't protect the sister so died with her... It seems too easy that she just suddenly found a roof to jump off of after being in jail either she was made to jump or forced... Even if they told her to die I don't see her as the kind of parent to kill her child... Something is fishy about her suicide... REAL FISHY.

    URIEL February 27, 2021 5:02 am

    I think they mentioned that the reason they commited suicide was bc. The mother couldnt take it anymore she prolly thought that they wouldnt be able to go out since she know the emperor doesnt have any power and probably bc they were starving them. I think the mom was also worried about the sister seeing her being straved and no chance on getting out death was more easier.